Journey into your true self and your true power…

You incarnated here on Earth so that you could experience LIFE, so that you could PLAY with your existence.

The key to your creative power is your authenticity. The real you lies beneath the expectations of others, beneath the cultural conditioning and the “shoulds”.

There is nothing in the world that feels as good as living in alignment with your deeply authentic self.

What if I told you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you? That you do not need “fixing”, that you do not need to change a single thing about yourself? How do those statements feel in your body?

Because it’s true. You are a perfect, sacred being exactly as your are today.

It’s time to meet YOU. It’s time to radically accept YOU.

And, ironically, on the other side of radical self acceptance is radical transformation.

When you deeply accept what you truly want, how you truly prefer to interact with reality, and what deeply feels good to you THAT is when you open yourself up to expansion and bliss. Radical acceptance allows you to experience your humanity in an entirely new way. AND opens you up to your intuition more clearly than ever before.

You are the creator of worlds, you are a master manifester, you are God in human form, and it’s time for you to step into that power consciously.

The Portal is a 12 week journey into your personal power.

Through 1:1 sessions and weekly pre-recorded videos covering a variety of topics (many with channeled transmissions included), you will deepen your connection to your own inner world and your own guidance. Learn to receive intuitive messages for yourself, directly!

YOU will be Co-creating The Portal!

The Portal was initially a co-creation between Brittany and Ozenan, the Pleiadian collective Brittany direct channels (and Brittany’s primary guides).

However, once you step into The Portal, it becomes a co-creation between Brittany, Ozenan, and YOU.

Ozenan’s primary message to humanity is one of deep self-empowerment. They encourage all of us to recognize our creative power, and to honor our authentic needs and desires in order to call in the reality we want experience.

During the 2023 eclipse season Ozenan began sharing pieces of The Portal with Brittany, and in January of 2024 the first iteration of The Portal began!

Continue scrolling to learn about the powerful impact The Portal had on its graduates…

Graduates of The Portal say…

“I appreciate the safe space created here by you Brittany and the way we allow each other the space to share our own authentic experiences.

We gave each other room to just "be" and witness each other's struggle, growing pains, growth and inspiration and breakthroughs.

It is a lovely and supportive container.”

“I really appreciate the opportunity to speak to / ask questions of the Pleiadian known as Ozenon.

I'm in awe of how far we have come in trusting the Universe, Source and our guides that we TRUST this force for our highest good in the Universe!”

“The 1:1 are worth the price alone, I truly enjoy them. The collective conversation of the group. And my favorite… being able to work at my own pace and come back to the videos.”

“I'd recommend the Portal to people who are beginning their spiritual journey. I've really appreciated the way you express broad concepts in ways that people can apply to their specific pathway.”

How does The Portal work?

You’ll begin your journey with a 30 minute 1:1 call where we will discuss your intentions for The Portal, and map out a 1:1 session plan to support those intentions.

You’ll receive 1:1 Voxer access to me so you have a place to ask me questions between sessions.

Every week you will receive a video with a weekly task that will aid in your expansion. Many of these videos will include channeled messages from Ozenan, the Pleiadian collective of beings I channel directly.

You will receive access to a monthly group Zoom call where anyone currently enrolled in my containers can join and connect with like-minded community. (These calls will be recorded for those who cannot attend live).

The Details (what’s included)

  • 1 x 30 min Intro call where we will discuss your intentions for this journey and create a 1:1 session plan for you

  • 3 x 1 hour 1:1 sessions. Potential session types include: Channeled Session with Ozenan, Channeled Reading, Energy Work, Intuitive Coaching, Fear Alchemy

  • 12 weeks of weekly pre-recorded videos covering a variety of topics, and including a weekly task to aid in your expansion

  • Monthly community connection group call over Zoom (recorded with a replay)

  • 1:1 Voxer access to Brittany *Note that Brittany will only be available to answer questions on weekdays, and will reply to questions within 48 non-weekend hours. **Additionally, Brittany will be without internet/ cell reception from August 22nd- September 5th 2024. Any Voxer messages sent during this time will be replied to September 6th- 8th.

  • A guest class taught by Holistic Nurse Oshauna of Oshaunita Medicina to help you support your body through this experience! Oshauna’s unique approach to health focuses on realigning with the rhythms of the Earth.


OR 3 monthly payments of $185

If you would like to enroll in The Portal please click the button below to schedule a short, free pre-enrollment chat with Brittany!

The Portal is for you if…

  • You feel intuitively drawn to it

  • You’re ready to step into radical self acceptance and radical personal power

  • You’re open to challenging your perception of reality

  • You’ve done plenty of personal development work, and you’re ready to shift from a “fixing” mindset to a mindset of expansion

  • You believe suffering is NOT necessary in order to grow (or you’d like to believe this!)

  • You want to deeply love ALL of your human experience, even the challenging parts

Some examples of intentions you could set for your time in The Portal…

  • Connect with your intuition and guides more directly, and bring your spiritual gifts online

  • Connect with your authentic self and discover what you TRULY desire in your human experience

  • Face a big fear with the assistance of the Universe and through deep connection with your infinite self

  • Form a new and lasting bond with the real you. Experience the beauty and power of forging a passionate connection with yourself