My role is to help you connect more deeply to YOU.

YOU are your greatest guide!

My services

(Click the images to Book!)

The Portal 1:1 Program

The Portal is a co-creation between you, Brittany, and the Universe. It is a journey into your true self and your true power. Click the image above to learn more…

Channeled Energy Work

Every energy session is completely unique- I never know what will come through before we start. In these sessions my clients have experienced powerful activations of their gifts, emotional release, and deep healing.

60 mins |  $111  

Channeled Sessions

A channeled reading is a powerful way to receive guidance from your higher self, guides, and the Universe.

I also offer 1:1 Channeled sessions with Ozenan, a Pleiadian collective of beings who are here to assist with the evolution of human consciousness.

Channeled Reading 60 mins |  $111

Channeled Session with Ozenan 60 mins | $155

1:1 Fear Alchemy Sessions

These sessions give you the opportunity to connect with (and embrace) parts of yourself that are feeling fear. Connecting with these parts allows you to step into a deeper understanding of self. I will help you alchemize your fear into a powerful ally in your life.

Fear Alchemy Session 60 mins |  $111


Brittany is a direct verbal channel for the Pleiadian Collective, Ozenan. Click the image to learn more.

“Goosebumps!!! Brittany! I had goosebumps that entire reading. Wow. Thank you for sharing your incredible powers with me and the world.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.